Dec 11-19 - Well, I decided to fuck off from the constant rain and cold (I know, I know, it's not THAT cold compared to the rest of Canada but my people weren't built for this!) and delve off to visit my Air Force pals in Honolulu (Love you Pat, Dan and Moku!)
Not much to talk about the details of my trip but definitely some incredible food (the poke is to DIE for - and I thought Vancouver had it good), spectacular views and all-around good times. Shout out to the homie Pat for hosting me most nights, showing me the best eats and lending his bike which clocked in over 200km over the course of a few days.
Despite feeling a little too "urban" at times compared to what Maui is, it was still a nice change of pace and for someone who doesn't really care for the sun, the beach or the water, I had an excellent time and didn't actually take too many photos.
Highlights: Shirokiya Japanese Boardwalk, Diamondhead, Manoa Falls, Ono Seafood, biking along the coast, Waimea Bay, Giovannis, Pearl Harbour, 25-30 degree weather in WINTER.
Missed opportunities: Kokohead, photos of Pat and Erin :(, West island
Dislikes: Transit - cool that it's $5 for an all day pass, but I think I spent 5.5 hours for a round trip from Waikiki to North Shore. Oh and bad fish >:(
Anyway, I'll cut the shit and load up the photos! If you've been to Hawaii, what were your favourite parts? Leave a comment below :)